1° Aula: Teaching Careers in Language Centres

Teaching at Language Centers;

The requirements to build a career in Language Centers;

Positions and roles to consider in Language Centers.

2° Aula: Teaching Careers in Universities

• Continuing professional development;

Career management;

English teacher.

3° Aula: Bilingual Programs: expanding horizons

Bilingual Approaches;

Plurilingual Guidelines;

The Bilingual Brain.

4° Aula: English Teachers at Regular Schools

English Teacher Specialization;

Regular Schools Nowadays;

Educational Solutions;

Good salary and work conditions.

5° Aula: Being a Private English Teacher

Private classes;

• Materials;

Online tools;

Social media;

Marketing for Teachers.

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Conheça os professores que contribuirão para sua atualização:


He is the Director of Education at CNA. He is a coursebook writer, a CELTA tutor and assessor, a tutor for the MA at the University of Chichester, a professor in post-graduation courses and has co-authored three reference books on ELT methodologies. Vinnie is also past president of BRAZ-TESOL and a member of the advisory council for New Routes.


He is an English Language Teacher, trainer and adjunct lecturer, based in Rio de Janeiro. He has been learning to teach a new lesson every time he steps into a classroom for the last 23 years and lately has set his efforts on equipping teachers with language proficiency, the methodological know-how, digital literacy and social-emotional skills to thrive in the classroom today.


She has a Master's degree in Education (UCP), a postgraduate degree in English language teaching and a specialization in Neuroscience (UFRJ). Graduated in Social Communication (UFRJ) and Languages (UFRJ). She works as a Teacher Trainer and academic coordinator at Edify Education and a postgraduate professor of the Neuroscience course at MacKenzie RJ and a professor of the postgraduate course in English at Estácio.


Academic Principal at Super Humanos School and ESL Teacher, she is specialist at English Language Teaching. As an ESL Teacher, she has worked for great companies and in different areas. Her career has guided her in the administration of regular and bilingual schools nowadays as a principal. She is a member of the coordination department of CULT (Central Universitária de Língua e Tradução) and a professor at some Post Graduation courses for English Teachers.


She has been teaching English for 9 years. She has a degree in Pedagogy from USJT, a postgraduate degree in Psychopedagogy and Neuroscience and certification in TEFL by Bridge Education. Currently, she works as a private English teacher and as a professor and an assistant coordinator at CULT Estácio. She’s also a content creator on @teacheramandalambert and @educatools on Instagram.

Pós Estácio - Polo Bela Vista

Rua Treze de Maio, 717 - Bela Vista, São Paulo/SP. CEP: 01327-000

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