Assessment is often neglected or oversimplified in teacher education courses. In this talk, we are going to discuss why teachers need to know more about assessment theories and how it can be transformed into a positive learning experience - as opposed to that moment that students fear. Assessment can, and should, be part of the learning process and you will understand how to shift important paradigms with us in this conversation.

Join us in this conversation, which will be conducted by the postgraduate teachers of Ensino de Língua Inglesa course at Pós Estácio.

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Meet our guests who will conduct this talk:

Jane Godwin Coury

Jane G. Coury is from the UK and has been working in English Language Teaching since 1987. She holds an MA in Applied Linguistics and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) from the University of Leicester, UK. She has been living and working in Brazil for 27 years and has also taught in France, Germany, the UK and the USA. Jane has vast experience of teaching English and has been involved in Cambridge English qualifications since 1995. She is also a teacher educator, English language editor and translator. Jane currently works at Cult Estácio teaching on-line courses to translators and English language teachers. She is the author of various publications including “Exercícios para Falar Melhor em Inglês” and “Four Short Stories to use in the ELT Classroom”.

Stephan Hughes

Stephan Hughes is an English Language Teacher, trainer and adjunct lecturer, based in Rio de Janeiro. He has been learning to teach a new lesson every time he steps into a classroom for the last 23 years and lately has set his efforts on equipping teachers with the language proficiency, the methodological know-how, digital literacy and social emotional skills to thrive in the classroom today.

Vinicius Nobre

Vinicius Nobre is the Director of Education at CNA. He is a course book writer, a CELTA tutor and assessor, a tutor for the MA at the University of Chichester, a professor in post graduation courses and has co-authored three reference books on ELT methodologies. Vinnie is also past president of BRAZ-TESOL and a member of the advisory council for New Routes.

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